About Us
Call's Fort Training Group
The perfect combination of shooting and fitness.
Challenge Yourself.
Call’s Fort Training Group was developed to address the appetite for testing and training skills needed for common tactical-style games and life. For tactical athletes it’s not enough to merely shoot quickly or be fit; shooting skills and fitness work together to carry an athlete to the mission, execute the mission successfully (whatever it is), and return them home safely. Life is tough, so train accordingly.
Whether male or female, military, police, or civilian, if you’re committed to executing your mission, then Call’s Fort Training Group is for you.
It's not enough to just be a "great shot" or in "great shape."
Shooting Elements
The shooting portion of stages are varied and are meant to test your ability to engage targets at given ranges, balancing speed and accuracy. Stages will tax your accuracy, judgement, weapon manipulation, sling management, and ammo management, as well as your thinking under pressure.
Fitness Elements
The fitness portion of stages aren’t merely to increase your hear rate to make the shooting more challenging; it’s a standalone test in and of itself. From lifting, overhead carrying, climbing, and grip strength tests, to tests of your metabolic conditioning and endurance, the only sure bet is that every aspect of your fitness will be tested.